SUPERLUCE DEVORÉ: shapes, materials and colours enhance the space

The Devoré line layouts interpret all the expressive power of the Superluce collection. Exclusive furniture featuring unexpected modularity in the base unit
fronts: an interchangeable panel is inserted in the central front panel, elegantly framed by a solid wood surround, to create a cover with custom finishes and materials. The high degree of layout freedom is mirrored in the tall units and wall units, creating a unique and distinctive formal harmony



Area Tecnica

Mobiltesino Srl
P.Iva e C.F. 00354690448 – Reg. Imprese Ascoli Piceno n.00354690448 | C.C.I.A.A. AP n.83359 – M – 061699 Cap.Soc. €78000 Int. Vers.